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Saturday, February 1, 2025

MtG Decklist - Arabella (Hare Apparent)


Duskmorn gave us Arabella and Foundations gave us Hare Apparent. Combine them both in this interesting deck.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Inspired to Create - The Shady Lane (D&D)

Back in the 90's, I was part of the LARP organization known as The Camarilla. We were all fans of Vampire: The Masquerade. Before that, I was storytelling a TT game for Mage: The Ascension that was based in my hometown. In the TT game, I created a nightclub known as The Shady Lane. During my LARPING days, this setting was used for many of our games; which is why I mentioned it.

In the LARP, the club was owned by my first vampire character; but in the TT version, it was owned and operated by my female Hollow One mage name Rose Addams. She was designed to be a goth girl who was a fan of the Addams Family movies of the time (Addams Family & Addams Family Values). She was a huge fan of the Wednesday character that she took that as her nickname.

Picture of the TT character version

The other morning, I woke-up to a hit of inspiration to develop The Shady Lane as a fantasy location for D&D. I began thinking of ways to make it more than just the simple nightclub from my TT and LARP games to help make it enticing as a setting other people might want to use in their games. I was thinking of iconic places like The Succubus Club from Vampire: The Masquerade or the Yawning Portal and The Shady Dragon Inn from Dungeons & Dragons.

AI generated sign

I know that the finished product will be more than just your standard inn. It will include several different features that will not only insure it generates a certain level of revenue, but also would become a cornerstone for any location it was added to. A place where not only the locals would go to enjoy a pint and a meal, but travelers would stop and stay the night and adventurers would come to in search of new opportunities.

As much as I am inspired to create this location, I'm hindered by my lack of artistic skills and also the fact that I'm not certain that some of the more iconic aspects that I would like to include are even possible by the written rules of D&D. I know that as a DM and creator, those rules can be bent to a degree.

For instance, I want to be able to help protect the people that come inside with rune of protection or wards on the doors and windows. I'm not that experienced with the current 5th edition rules to know if that is even possible. Another aspect that I wanted to be able to include were areas of the location that weren't entirely on the material plane so that you could enter secreted areas without the need for a huge area of physical space in the town. In Mage: The Ascension, this is accomplished by using the Correspondence sphere in order to create doorways into kind of pocket dimensions.

I hope this idea doesn't go the same way so many of my ideas have gone in the past; my inspiration does not fuel my creativity to completion. I have a laundry list full of ideas I've come up with for a variety of different games and settings, but they have never found a measure of success beyond the initial inspiration. I have written about some of them here in the past, so some of those failures are documented for all time.

Ultimate goal is to be able to create this and put it up on Dungeon Masters Guild.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

The Future of CBC4C

Since July 2013, I have been working to raise money for the American Cancer Society. My motives for this are well documented in the former incarnation of this blog (Zanziber's Point of View) and you can read my interview here. As of this writing, we have been able to raise and donate just over $18,500 to the ACS.

While I still have a desire to help, my motivation and resources have been dwindling the past few years.

  • In 2021, my mother passed away. She was the initial reason for me even creating Comic Book Covers 4 Cancer. I'm thankful that she is no longer in any type of pain. This live threw several curve balls her way, and yet she managed. I'm very thankful that I was there before she passed so we can have time to talk before she passed.
  • In 2022, my father joined my mother. After she died, his health took a rapid decline. The last time I saw him, he was non-verbal and didn't seemed to even recognize me. This hit me very hard and I still have a missing part of me that was never able to have the same type of last conversation that I did with my mother.
  • In 2024, Tony Grove passed away. He was a my LCS owner, a wonderful supporter of CBC4C, and someone I would happily call a friend. Though I know he struggled through some physical issues, he always made sure to help with donating blank cover comic books on a regular basis. If it weren't for all of Tony's support through the years, I don't think CBC4C would have become as successful as it has been. His passing not only had a huge effect on me personally, but it also had a great impact on our local community as Tony was someone who would always help with local charities in need. Tony's passing had the unfortunate effect to CBC4C as we now don't have a steady source of new blank covers to provide to artists. 
Since Tony's passing, I have tried to get new blanks available, but I hit financial barriers as well as not knowing when new blanks will be available. On top of this, it seems as though interest in artists donating has also diminished. I can't blame them because the economy has been a rollercoaster for so long... and I am not that optimistic for upcoming few years.

Because of all of this, I have decided to make some big changes going forward for CBC4C:

  • In 2025, we will no longer be having 4 series of auctions. Instead, I will run 2 auctions; May for Free Comic Book Day, and November. These auctions will be held on our Facebook page like the December 2024 auctions were.
  • I'm planning on reaching-out to artists who will be attending specific local comic events to see if they would be willing to donate their artwork to help us. This has been successful in the past, although the past few years it has been difficult for some events because the announcements of artists are being made too soon before the events.
  • Since we have a nominal collection of blanks, not only will I be asking artists to donate their art on them, but I will be working to liquidate them for extra $$ to be donated to the American Cancer Society.
  • We also have a large collection of covers that didn't sell during their original series of auctions. I'm planning on adding a new Album on our FB page to include many of these available for sale with the $$ going to the American Cancer Society.
  • After 2025, Comic Book Covers 4 Cancer will be closing.
I want to thank all the various artists who have helped to make CBC4C successful. Also, thank you to all our supporters who have helped us over the past 11+ years.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Inspiration for D&D

I recently came across this video in my FB Reels feed, and it gave me a swell of inspiration to star DMing again after I'm not sure how many years after feeling the burn-out.

Reel from @dianaoftherose on IG

This video speaks to the option of what to do when you TPK your group. I have never experienced this issue in my 40 years of role playing, but a few years ago I was almost part of a TPK in a D&D game that was being run virtually during the Covid pandemic.

To give some perspective, I have been primarily gaming in White Wolf's classic World of Darkness. I started playing Vampire: The Masquerade when the 2nd edition was first coming out back in the 90's. I did manage to play some Dungeons & Dragons again when Wizards of the Coast published 3rd edition. I always enjoyed playing in the high fantasy world of D&D, but the fact that I spent the better part of almost 30 years in a more modern setting with the World of Darkness really caused a drain on my imagination for D&D.

I never really got into 4th edition, but when 5th edition came out, my interest was peaked again to try and get back into high fantasy. My biggest problems were:

  • As much as I appreciate the published materials/adventures, I have a few ideas of some homebrew locations that I would like to incorporate into my campaign. I know that I can work to adapt things to suit my needs, but I don't think I've ever actually settled on an actual end goal.
  • Though I have had over 40 years of experience roleplaying, I still have a great deal of anxiety of running a game again. When I was in my 20's, I would regularly run both tabletop and LARP games as a DM/ST. I enjoyed this, but it again has been many years since I've been able to do this for a high fantasy setting.
  • Like many role-players, I have social anxiety that really inhibits me from socializing with people. This creates a huge issue when considering a play ground. I have 2 close friends that I am comfortable gaming with, but 2 people do not make a decent sized adventuring group for a game like D&D.
  • In past games, I have always run them in Theatre of the Mind as opposed to using miniatures and maps. While this has been alright when playing in the World of Darkness, the past couple of years playing in a 5E game has shown me the wonders of using minis and maps; especially using tools like D&D Beyond and Roll20. I want to be able to provide a fun time for my players so my desire is wanting to be able to use minis and maps, but my anxiety makes me feel that if I don't have all the right resources that my attempt will fall flat. Ginny Di recently posted a video regarding the debate between Theatre of the mind and using minis and maps. It was a good watch but also helped to feed into my anxiety. While I have been working to build a collection of minis and resources, the back of my mind keeps telling me that it's not enough.
  • Several years ago, I thought about designing a new RPG system that would incorporate a multiverse experience similar to Paladium's Megaverse settings, but my motivation became overwhelmed when I saw all the prospective systems being designed and published through the likes of Kickstarter. Right now, at age 50, I don't feel like I should spend my remaining time on this word attempting to recreate/redesign the wheel.
Going back to the beginning of this whole thing, the video gave me a hit of inspiration to put aside my anxiety and try to focus on just trying to run a campaign with the big hope to kill off some of the characters so that I can run a side game to bring them back from whatever afterlife they may have fallen into. I'm starting to feel hopeful for the possibility to giving some friends an entertaining time in the high fantasy world of D&D again. We shall see what comes of this hope and perhaps this will be a new focus of writings here.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Rose City Comic Con 2024 - My Experiences

September 6-8, 2024
Oregon Convention Center
Portland, Oregon

2024 marks the 9th year in a row where I have been honored to be able to cover RCCC as a member of the press. I want to thank Leftfield Media for this continued opportunity.

Day 1-

We were able to arrive in time to get parked in the underground area of the convention center. As I believe I've noted in the past, this is my favorite parking areas... except for the cost. This year, parking was $20. Fortunately, I was able to find a good spot that was fairly close to the elevators.

Unfortunately, when we got to the elevators, staff informed us that they were only for staff of RCCC and we would need to walk around to the front of the convention center to enter.

This was unexpected and not a welcome change for my person. I have been dealing with serious health issues this year, and my back has not been 100% for years. Being told that we would have to walk the equivalent of about half a mile prior to the actual event was not something I was ready for.

I know that others faced this same issue, including those who have legitimate accessibility/mobility issues. From what has been posted on the Rose City Comic Con Facebook group, this was brought to the event team and was subsequently taken care of. I hope that for future events this does not again become an issue.

Once we got in, it was a bit of a challenge to find someone who could tell us where to go to pick-up our press badges. It turns out that we would need to go almost all the way back to where the elevators from the garage would have taken us. Combined with the garage elevator issue, this was a little irksome. Fortunately, once we got our badges, things began to get better.

We got into the main exhibit hall and started making our way through the various vendors. There were so many vendors selling anime/manga items, and those that have been reading about my experiences should know that this is not my thing. This made our early walk-through quick because I didn't feel the need to stop and look at these vendors wares. Even though this is not my ball of wax, I understand that there's more than enough other people out there who do enjoy it, so my dislike does not take anything away from them.

Going into this years event, I had a few priorities for what I was looking to purchase:

  • Action Figures - G.I. Joe Classified, Super7 3.75", Star Wars Vintage Collection.
  • Funko Pops to add to my growing collection.
  • Trade Paperbacks - I recently cleared my To Be Read pile after I don't know how many years.
As always, I Like Comics had a great selection of trades at 50% off, so I was able to get some more Rick and Morty to add to my collection. There was another vendor who had their selection of trades for 50% off as well, but there weren't any that either called to me or I needed.

While there were several vendors who were offering Funko Pops, I only found 2 that I needed to add to my collection.

I saw some Facebook posts from a few individuals that had a special certificate from RCCC that labeled them as "OG". I think this was a great salute to those artists and exhibitors that have been around to support RCCC from the beginning.

With all the walking around, I found the need to take some breaks. Unfortunately, there wasn't as many options to sit and rest in the exhibit hall as there was last year. The only location I could find to sit was in the RCCC Jr. are, and the tables had signs that said "No food or drinks". That was equally unfortunate.

While going through the exhibitors area, I was asked by the gentleman who was manning the Convention Essentials booth if I needed to sit. At the time, I felt the need to muscle through because we had a goal to make it through the rest of the exhibitor area, so I said "Yes, but not at the moment" and thanked him. To whoever that was, I want to say thank you for noticing my situation and that I wasn't feeling well. My legs, back and feet were killing me at that moment. As of writing this, it's less than a week removed from the event and my feet are still killing me. I didn't think to purchase a new set of insoles for my shoes.

While heading towards the RCCC Jr. area in order to take a break from walking, we passed the booth of writer George Michail. My photographer (Scott) was wearing a Viking history shirt, so as we passed, George asked if we were interested in stories about Viking werewolves. This caught our attention and Scott said he'd probably be back later.

After taking a brief respite in the RCCC Jr. area, Scott decided to go back and learn more about these Viking werewolves. He returned later to give me the lowdown on the premise for the Cover of Darkness series that George had written and that he had 3 trades available that contained this story. Since the premise peaked my interest, and the price was reasonable, I gave the money to Scott to pick the trades up for me. I'm looking forward to reading them and providing the reviews of each here.

George Michail
Day 2-

We ran a bit late getting to the Convention Center for day 2 of RCCC, so we realized that the possibility of getting the underground parking was slim to none. We went to a parking area that Scott had noticed in back in January when he came for day 2 of Fan Expo Portland. Unfortunately, the area was private parking for a hotel, and even though they had 75 open spots available, none of them were for us. The up side is that were were able to find on street parking only a couple of blocks away, and it ended-up being cheaper that the on-site parking. We only had to pay $12. 

As every reader of this blog should know, TTRPG's run through my blood and have since I was 10 years old. Since I started getting into Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, I have always been looking for a variety of 3rd party sources for additional items to help spice-up the game. Since starting in a campaign a few years ago, our party has gotten into the idea of harvesting parts of slain monsters in order to either sell them or make them into items that we can use. Since the published material from Wizards of the Coast doesn't really go into that level of complexity, our Dungeon Master found a system that he thought was decent to use. While it's a decent system, I am always looking for something more.

And while strolling through the Artist's Alley, we stopped off at the booth of Katelyn McCaigue and took a look through her 2 volumes of The Complete McCaigue Creature Compendium. The first creature that I flipped to in volume 2 was sold me on these books: Weredragon

While walking through the exhibitor's side of the event, we were stopped with the offer of a free sample of a drink line from Gamer Supps. While initially I was hesitant about any samples (as I am diabetic), I was also thirsty and decided to take a chance. I wasn't disappointed. Every sample I tried was enjoyable, and I think my favorite is called Guacamole Gamer Fart 9000. While the name doesn't sound appealing, I was guaranteed that it contained no actual guacamole or gamer farts. It was tasty and refreshing and I'm glad I took the chance to give it a try.

After all was said and done for the weekend, I was exhausted, but I enjoyed myself. I'm thankful for being able to attend and I look forward to coming back again next year!

Friday, September 6, 2024


I have been collecting action figures for years, and for years I have been looking for a way to keep track of my collection. I have also been looking for a place where I could get an idea on how much my collection is worth as well.

I've been using the CLZ apps for years to keep track of my books and comics, but they have yet to create an app for action figures. I know that they have been asked about creating one many times, but I believe the response has always been that it's not in the picture for their future.

A few weeks ago (as of this writing), Big Nerdy of the Nerdzoic YouTube channel posted a video that caught my attention.

This was my first introduction to Legendsverse

When I first took a tour of the website, there were a couple of action figure lines that I collected, and I loved the interface. It was an easy decision to sign up for a free account and begin adding figures from my collection. By the time I almost finished adding my G.I. Joe Classified figures, I had come to the limit of figures I could add under the free account. By that time, I already made my decision to upgrade to a full account, but I wanted to wait until a few more action figure lines were added to the system.

Then I received an email from the creator Alejandro and he offered a discounted lifetime membership. Between that and the offer that Big Nerdy had made in his video, I jumped at the opportunity to join to not only be able to use this great service, but watch it grow and see how far it goes.

For my fellow collectors, I highly recommend signing up for a lifetime membership. There is also a growing community where you can interact with your fellow collectors. Legendsverse is only going up, and with your help, it can evolve into the best site for action figure collector. I invite you to watch the video from Nerdzoic to get a better understanding of what capabilities the site has to offer.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Cerebus Vol 9: Reads

 Title: Cerebus Vol 9: Reads

ISBN: 0919359159

Price: $

Publisher/Year: Aardvark-Vanheim, 1995

Artist: Gerhard

Writer: Dave Sim

Collects: Cerebus # 175-186

Rating: 2/5

Reads is a book of two parts. In one part, the story of Cerebus inches forward, as three aardvarks and a human meet, one of them warns the others that they're all stupid and greedy, and two of them get into a fight. The fight is epic - a slow-motion mix of pummeling and blood letting that wouldn't look out of place in a Quentin Tarantino movie. Unfortunately, we've performed a scientific experiment and discovered that only 35 per cent of Reads is taken up by the further adventures of Cerebus that most people will purchase the volume for.

The other part is prose. It starts off as a diatribe against the comic industry, with Sim using thinly disguised names to take digs at the industry he, by self-publishing Cerebus, has managed to stay on the outskirts of. Shortly after that, Sim drops the pretense of everyone except his own alter-ego and describes meetings, discussions and stories with other comics professionals like Alan Moore and Neil Gaiman. Then, eventually, he starts preaching his world view.

Sim's outlook, as is widely discussed on the web and elsewhere, is misogynist, rather sad and deeply misguided. Sim looks back to a simpler age where women weren't involved in decision making, in creative processes or in politics, and considers these better times. More was done, he argues. Men weren't held back. Frankly, it's a preposterous and offensive outburst.

It's a shame because the Cerebus story remains so interesting and promising. But Sim argues that he is the story, that auteur and creation are so tightly knitted together that, one supposes, we must know the man to know his characters. Of course, this is artistic pretension to the extreme. Some artists may successfully use their fame to talk about the bigger picture - Bob Geldolf springs to mind - but this is rare and is generally preferable if the cause is widely considered to be 'good'. Sim's arguments about the tyranny of the 'Female Void' ring eerily hollow in this regard.

MtG Decklist - Arabella (Hare Apparent)

  Duskmorn gave us Arabella and Foundations gave us Hare Apparent. Combine them both in this interesting deck.