Batman vs. Predator

Artist: Andy Kubert
Dave Gibbons
Batman vs. Predator #1-3
the big-screen alien hunter licensed to Dark Horse, made a leap into the DC
Universe and Batman's Gotham City in this highly successful crossover tale.
Appropriately grim and gritty in its art, Batman vs. Predator is a monumental
showdown between champions.
the Predator doesn't make a beeline for the Batman, of course. Seeking the most
powerful prey, it first targets the city's celebrated prizefighters before
setting its sights on crimelords and politicos (and one hapless junkyard dog).
Soon, however, it realizes where the real power in Gotham lies -- the Batman.
Batman usually makes crimefighting look easy, but he's more than met his
physical match here. Severely injured in the first round, Batman is helpless as
the Predator cuts a vicious swath through Gotham's powerful elite. The alien
beast eventually focuses its attention on one of the city's best take-charge
kind of guys, Commissioner Gordon -- and that threat signals Batman's return to
the ring.
tale laid out by Dave Gibbons, illustrated in vivid darkness by Adam and Andy
Kubert, is a masterpiece of the genre, one of the best company crossover books
I've read. More than a decade after its initial release, Batman vs. Predator is
still at the top of its game. Prepare yourself for a fight to remember.
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