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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Comic Book Covers 4 Cancer News

Thanks to some holiday financial contributions to the ‪#‎CBC4C‬ coffers, I'll not only have the supplies I need to keep this project running, but also have means to ship some covers to artists who want to donate!

I have a good selection of blank covers available at this time (primarily thanx to the wondrous generosity of my LCS: Tony's Kingdom of Comics and Collectibles),
so artists... check-out the list in the Notes section for what's
available. Unfortunately, we are still not able to ship blank covers
internationally. (Sorry)

It would incredibly wonderful if there
are any artists who would be willing to donate some of the covers they
happen to have lurking in their inventory. If you happen to be in this
specific group and don't have our shipping address, please feel free to
send me a PM via our Facebook page and we'll get you the information you need.

For those who would like to donate directly to #CBC4C so we can continue our project, we still have our GoFundMe account. You are welcome to donate through there.

For all
you talented artist who have already donated your work to help support
our cause, or are currently working on your donation, I have a request
and some news for you.

REQUEST- Would you please recommend
donating to #CBC4C to at least 1 other artist you know who would be
willing to help? The more artists that help support us, the more we can
help to promote them.

NEWS- One of my main goals for 2015 is to
establish #CBC4C as an official non-profit with 501(c) status. This
would mean I could apply for certain grants to help financially support
our project and further our cause.

For those who have already
donated in 2014, I have the EIN for the American Cancer Society so you
can claim your donations on your taxes. If you need this number, please
contact me privately. This is also a good reason for all you artists who
have covers outstanding to get them back to us before January 1, 2015
so you can claim the deduction for 2014. Just a thought.

Finally, I want to thank EVERYONE who has helped support us! Without you, there would be no #CBC4C!


Happy Holidays!


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